6 Web Design Tips and Tools That Will Help Your Site to Rank in Google Search Results

6 Web Design Tips and Tools That Will Help Your Site to Rank in Google Search Results

6 Web Design Tips and Tools That Will Help Your Site to Rank in Google Search Results


Larger companies and entrepreneurs understand the importance of ranking highly in Google’s search results to bring in traffic and sales. Still, smaller companies and individuals can also benefit from ranking well in Google searches, as it can drive website traffic to their sites as well. No matter what industry you’re in, there are always tips and tools available to help you get your site ranked higher in search results so that people will be able to find you when they search online. Here are six web design tips and tools to help you do just that!

1. Building a Content Strategy

The foundation of a well-performing website is its content strategy. These days, a website isn’t simply a collection of pages; it’s a marketing tool that serves as your company’s 24/7 storefront. Every page on your site is an opportunity to attract visitors, drive sales, create leads, or build brand awareness. Building a solid content strategy can help you rank higher in search results, get more traffic, boost conversions, and generate leads. You can contact web design Brisbane  professionals to help with a web design that will rank your website top of your competitors.

2. Internal Links

The navigation menus that make up your navigation bar and any links on your home page are just ads for other pages you have on your site. These are prime locations for internal links. Internal links help users navigate through your site with ease. They also help search engines crawl through it more effectively. As we’ve seen before, all of these things can result in higher rankings from search engines and a better user experience on your site.

If you want users to enjoy their experience browsing around your site, then link internally throughout every section of your site.However, too many internal links on one page can be counter -productive. It’s therefore best to use internal links sparingly, only linking relevant sections with relevant content. SEO experts like the SEO services Sunshine Coast will help guide you in determining which links will get your users where they need to go in the quickest way possible by creating valuable content and establishing user-friendly navigation patterns across all of your pages.

3. Annotated Sitemaps

When creating your sitemap, make sure you annotate it—that is, put notes next to each of your site’s web pages—explaining why they’re essential. Suppose a particular page on your site doesn’t contain original content but includes information pulled from an outside source such as a reference; you should note that next to that page. Search engines look not only at what’s on your website but also how it all fits together.

Creating an annotated sitemap allows you to explain those relationships clearly. Annotated sitemaps can be beneficial when working with large e-commerce sites with many products. The reason is that search engines will be more likely to take notice of such items if there are clear explanations about their importance included alongside them in your master plan.

4. Adding Schema to Your Site

Schema is like adding captions to your images so that search engines can better understand what’s on your site. Adding schema will help you get more traffic from search engines and make your site more friendly. This Markup allows bots to categorize each page element to know them when they crawl it. The strategy also helps search engines deliver more accurate results, which means higher rankings!

5. Don’t Forget About Mobile-First Indexing

If you’re building a website, remember that it will eventually need to be viewed on mobile devices—especially if your business is B2C. Hence, it’s still essential to design sites that perform well across all devices. In 2014, Google announced mobile-first indexing, which means that your site may start showing up higher in search results based on how mobile-friendly it is as opposed to how traditional or desktop-friendly it is.

To see whether or not you have a mobile-friendly site already, check out Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. If you don’t pass, there are some fixes for text size and image quality issues. You can contact Digital On for a mobile-friendly web design to help you meet your goals with ease.

6. Avoid Flash Content

With search engines like Google constantly changing their algorithms, Flash websites may not rank well. You can still use some Flash elements here and there but, if you want your site to rank in search results, make sure that your website uses structured Markup, so search engine spiders will easily crawl it. Structured Markup helps with speed and search rankings because they don’t have to guess what text is important on a page; the structure helps!.


These web design tools help users navigate your site more efficiently, making it easier for visitors to reach what they are looking for in your website. Keep them in mind while designing your site, and you should see an increase in traffic from search engines – as well as a boost to your site’s overall ranking. You can contact Digital On for a well-performing web design that will exhibit professionalism and help you achieve your goals.


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